March 20, 2010

It's the Weekend...

This little bouquet of casually arranger flowers remind me of home.

When visiting my family in Denmark, one of the things I love are the always fresh flowers on the tables, in the windowsill, on the nightstand.. Casually arranged like the image above, don't you think they are pretty?

Kitchen update;
It's an absolute mess, no cabinets, no walls, broken tiles....
(I hear there were critters with many legs.... eewwww!)
You did say it would be bad before it got better, right?
Exactly when does it get better???

I'm just asking!.............


Image via Black*Eiffel


  1. Beautiful!

    Seems so exciting with your kitchenrenovation, lots of decisions to take!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, you have a beautiful blog I will soon be back to visit:)

  2. The flowers are beautiful and fresh flowers in a home are always nice. I hope your kitchen renovation is finished soon! It must be very frustrating! xx


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