December 17, 2010

Seventh Holiday Post


... now you know why it's so hard for guests to not hang out in the kitchen.... would you want to go anywhere else, if you could stand here?? Yummy!!
The simple black birdcage is re-purposed as a "candle holder", and along with the natural branches, the butcher block island, the natural theme is well thought out!

Notice how the natural theme is carried through to the dining table; not only the branches and the antler candle holder, but also the fact that the table is left "bare"!

Here a little tray is filled with antlers, candles and Christmas balls in different sizes and finishes.

Have a cozy weekend!


Images via Bo Bedre

1 comment:

  1. Hello, what a lovely eating table (the picture with the black lamp) , - who makes them?
    Please write at my email in Denmark:

    Thanks :-)


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