May 18, 2011

Pick a Job!

I think this is such a fun, simple and effective way to keep household choirs light...  Pick one! :)


Image via The Beautiful Soup on tumblr.


  1. I love this idea....I must buy some chalkboard paint asap! Xoxoxo

  2. Love this idea! I've been thinking about doing this in the kitchen for a while now, I think it would be a great organizational boost! I think this post is the push I need to finally get it done!

  3. Thats so clever I love this idea:) - pest eller kolera som man siger på godt dansk ;O) Håber du har det godt Natasha :)
    A xx

  4. HA, Anja, det har du helt ret i... men paa den anden side saa kunne vi jo bare hjaelpe med a vande ude foran eller bag til, saa helt daarlight kan det vel heller ikke vaere!! :)

    Esacpade... glad this pushed you to get organized, hope it didn't push you over the edge... LOL!

  5. Such a great idea! I'm a big fan of chalk boards, this is done beautifully xx

  6. Oh, how divine. Notice how HAVE A REST remains to be crossed out... Sums it up, really!
    Have a bewdiful weekend, N!


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