January 15, 2012

Brilliant White

I picked up this book a few weeks ago, but haven't really had the time to study it until today.
It is chock full of fantastic interiors in ALL WHITE, design solutions, details and lots of texture!

So inspired by what I have seen, here are a few spaces, all different, but all with the same white look. Enjoy :)

Clean, minimal, open plan living in all white...

Cozy all white space by IKEA, complete with sheepskin and lots of natural light.

I have had this kitchen image in my files for a long while, it has everything I would love in my own kitchen!
(If only I had the room :)  )

... and last but not least; a soothing, all white bedroom! While lots of people I know would prefer a darker bedroom, I am all about the white and bright room. To me this is PERFECT, down to the pale aqua basket and the soft aqua coral pattern on the pillows!

Which is your favorite?

Image #3 via IKEA, all other images via google search


  1. Love that kitchen !! :) so beautiful..

  2. Hi Natasha, I just found your blog, so glad I did, it's beautiful! Following along and looking forward to reading your posts :) xo K

  3. Oh Natasha - this is my kinda book! That kitchen is divine - straight to my files for my white Wednesday segment!

    Abbey x

  4. First time on your beautiful blog.
    My favorite is the last picture, that gorgeous bedroom.
    Love all shades of white.
    Warm hugs from Brasil


Don't be shy... let me know what you think.
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!
