February 9, 2012


Our beautiful, cuddly, playful fur ball, Snow, passed away suddenly last night.
We are absolutely heartbroken and sad, there are no words.... 


Image NHH for Northern Light Blog


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. How old was your kitty? My cats are like my babies and I would be so heartbroken too.Praying for you. <3 ~Kourtney

    1. Kourtney... Snow was a rescue cat, so we believe he was apx. 8 years old, way too young to pass away! I would love to have had more time with him!!!!

  2. Oh, I am so sorry for your loss Natasha <3

    Rest in peace lovely Snow.

    Love and a warm hug.

  3. So sorry to hear that Natasha, my heart goes out to you. Thinking of you K xxx

  4. So sorry you lost your beautiful puss. Thinking of you .......KG xxxx

  5. Oh how dreadful for your Natasha, what a terrible shock. Losing a pet is the worst kind of sadness and heartache. I'm sure you'll miss him terribly.

    1. Mel, it was such a shock, you are right, he pretty much vanished in my arms, by far the hardest thing I have had to deal with... just awful!

  6. I am so sorry for your loss, Natasha. My prayers and throughts are with you.

    Love and hugs,

  7. My heart sank reading this. It is so hard to loose such a vital part of your life. It takes time and will get easier. Just take it day by day.

    1. Elizabeth... taking it day by day! Yesterday was awful, today is a little better, but the sadness will not go away.

  8. Pole, Natasha, your papa

  9. Sorry to read your sad news. What a beautiful cat.x

    1. He was the most gorgeous cat you can imagine!! His all white fur was incredible and his big kind eyes were intense and playful :)

  10. Sorry for your loss :(
    I have a cat myself and 2 doggies and pets are really like our own kids.. xx

    1. You are so right, they are part of your family, and loosing them is heartbreaking!!!!!!!

  11. Oh Natasha, you darling girl. I'm so sorry to read this. Thinking of you in faraway Hobart, Australia J x

    1. Thank you, Jane! No comparison to what you have had to deal with, but Snow was still a member of our family, and we miss him SO MUCH!!

  12. Replies
    1. Tak, Niels, det har vaeret et par svaere dage og naetter...
      Tak for samtalen igaar :)

  13. Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is always heartbreaking and to lose them suddenly must be doubly so. He was a beautiful looking cat, sleep well Snow x

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to console! It has been a few very hard days and nights. Who knew this ordeal could take so much out of you....

  14. Oh no...I feel so bad for you...
    You have lost a member of your family...
    and a part of your everyday life.
    It's a reminder for me to appreciate my own cuddly little furball...
    well, I already do. I love him.
    That's how it is...
    I hope you are ok?
    Tania Maree xx

    1. Tania Maree, you are so right, Snow was a big part of our life, and it's just so hard not to have him around! I see all the places he used to sit and lay, and I expect that he will be there...

      Thank you for your comment and your comforting words!!

  15. so sad for our darling cats to leave us.
    very hard to bear.
    your cat looked so beautiful.
    so sorry.
    Cat lover Tiffany.

  16. Sørgelig på dine vegne. RIP.
    Kh. Line Klein.

    1. Tak, Line! det har vaeret et par haarde dage, men det gaar fremad...

  17. I just came across your amazing blog and wanted to express how much I look forward to reading it...I also want to express my sympathy for your loss.What a gorgeous kitty he was, and having lost two 13 year old dogs in the past year from old age, I know how difficult it is.We have two cats, Molly and Maggie and this past summer, a stray wandered into our yard.His name is L.B (short for Love Bug) and he is now a family member.My foster parents were Danish, and I spoke Danish as a child, but I have forgot it.I also used to live in Florida....
    Take Care,Carolyn

    1. Hi Carolyn, it's nice to "meet" you.
      I appreciate your kind words, Snow was a big part of our family, and we miss him SO much!

  18. I stumbled across your blog via Pinterest...and my heart sank when I saw the picture of Snow. My love for animals goes beyond the term 'animal lover', it's more like a deep connection and yearning to be with them and care for them. Thinking of losing one of my cats, like you did, brings instant tears to my eyes. I know that my life is much richer and more complete because of my animals, and the thought of being without one of them leaves me completely thoughtless. I would prefer to always be with them..always.

    Almost 2 years ago I lost a rescue Persian I had with me for a couple of years, due to cancer that was discovered during a check up. Within 3 days, she was gone. I had to make the choice to let her go, and that experience opened me to communicating with animals on a more complete level, and learn how their involvement in my life was for my learning experience. They are teachers and their spirit goes beyond what we (as humans) can fathom or comprehend. I urge you to seek out a professional animal communicator, and reconnect with Snow's spirit - so you can understand why she was in your life. Perhaps she came to you when you needed her most, and left you when her duties were done.

    Sorry to drag this on, but I know that the death of my Persian opened my life to even more fulfilling lessons on love and living. For animals, death is nothing more than finding a new room to sleep in! Their lessons on life are very deep and unending...it's truly a gift to understand their spirit more, even after their physical presence is gone. Sometimes, their death is the only way we can truly learn how to live.

    Blessings to you. Snow is a wise spirit :)

    1. Lisa....
      How can I thank you for your wise words, for your kindness and for taking the time to share your story?! Snow was such a love, funny, playful and cuddly.

      Your words have so much meaning to me, you don't even know... THANK YOU!


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