June 3, 2012

Sunday Flowers

Picking up where I left off yesterday...
A bouquet of flowers made up by the prettiest shades of purples, ranging from burgundy to lavender to white. I am all about picking the right vase or container for the style of flower, as well as the arrangement itself.

You can find vessels anywhere and everywhere... flea markets, home decor shops (of cause), floral shops (duh). But also at the big box stores, look for containers that are unusual, or super simple. I once picked up a dozen (seemed like a good number at the time) matte, white, ceramic toothbrush "cups" at a dollar each from the clearance rack. Nothing fancy, round at the bottom, square at the top and they come in handy when setting the table for a party!! Do you have a favorite vase?

Hope this arrangement brighten your day!!


Image via... ? 


  1. STUNNING Natasha.... absolutely loving purple tones of flowers at the moment, it's just gone Winter here which I think might have something to do with it. So beautiful. Have a great week! Pip x

  2. Natasha, I have two favorite vases. They're pretty much the same but different sizes. They're clear green glass and they they go so well with everything I put in them! They're my go-to vessels even though I have lots of others.

  3. Hi, thank you so much for your lovely comment at my blog! Of course its ok to pin...:)

    Love your blog too! I will add it to my bloglist ;)

    Have a nice day!

    Hugs from Norway ;)

  4. I couldn't agree more. I love objects re purposed as vases.

  5. These are beautiful Natasha! Such stunning colours! Have a wonderful week :)

    Abbey x


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