July 25, 2012

Palazzo Margherita

A few days back I discovered this gem of a hotel; Palazzo Margherita. Take a look at the outside, don't you just want to come sit with me?? While I have not had much time to blog this past week - thank you for hanging in there with me - I have had a few minutes to read a few of yours!

I found a wonderful post over at Belle Vivir, and just felt compelled to share these two images.

Turns out this hotel is owned by Francis Ford Coppola & located in Bernalda, Italy, but that was almost a given, just looking at the images. It was just featured in Woody Allen's latest movie To Rome With Love, which I have not yet seen, but it's on the list!
If not just to see the scenery :)

I urger you to click on the links, you won't be disappointed, I promise!
Am I the only one who LOVES the tile work?? The herringbone is my favorite, but the bathrooms are pretty cool too.

Remember to stop and smell the roses!!

Images via Palazzo Margherita


  1. my goodness! I want to be there right now! have a beautiful day, darling!

    caroline @ patagonia gifts and jewelry


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