June 24, 2013

Sunday Reading...(on a Monday)

SO... there is a new & fantastic e-book out there, just waiting for you to discover...
I have been drooling over the images for a few weeks, read the book, been back to revisit the images and inspiration a few more times, and I'm almost ready to share with all of you!

ALSO, I will be holding a little contest here on the Northern Light Blog, 
you could WIN THIS BOOK!!  ... actually THREE of you can win this book, so help me spread the word! Leave me a comment that you are on it, and come back to check out the full review in a day or so... 

Let the excitement begin!

Image courtesy Iben & Niels Ahlberg


  1. it looks amazing for the images Natasha! please count me in!
    you might want to take a look at my post about accessories? http://www.patagoniagifts.com/xcms_entry.php?xcmsentryid=870
    have a great day, darling! xx

  2. Looks great - would love to win :)


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