August 18, 2013

Sunday Flowers... sort of.

I have been drawn to beautiful food photography this weekend. This simple white cake with its woodsy feel, beautiful roses and orchids bridges the gap of my regular Sunday Flowers post and my "new found love" of sweets...

... and what's better on a Sunday morning than a stack of fresh pancakes, decorated with fresh berries and a slight sprinkling of powdered sugar?

Almost too pretty to eat, almost!

Look at this layered cake decorated with Lilacs and single petal Roses. Just beautiful! I can recommend this board, as well as this board for more visual yummy-ness.

This past week I had brunch at a very dear friends new home (Hi CHB!), and in her bookcase I spotted  a  cookbook I had not seen before. The book was from Anthropology, (no longer available, trust me, I immediately looked for it) and the photography made me want to dive right in... I guess that's where this weeks inspiration came from! Do you ever pick up a cook book, just to look through the images? Or the amount of ingredients... ??

Do you have a favorite cook book? Do share!

All images via Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. I have a million cookbooks I must admit! Love that pancake stack, very clever :)

    Abbey x


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