October 3, 2013

Guess who's Baaack??

Domino Magazine is back!! 
In print and on-line, in every form imaginable... new Quarterly Print issues, new Website with shopping at your finger tips, on Pinterest, on Facebook & Twitter! Plus.... 
Currently an Instagram campaign is in the works, looks fun!

This is truly one of the most exciting news stories this week (Trust me, here in The States it's been slim pickings this week, to say the least!) So, I just wanted to share with all of you, in case you have been living under a rock... LOL! 

Oh, and by the way... Michelle Adams, formerly of Lonny, is the new Editor in Chief! 

Always love a good vignette, so I just threw these in for "good luck", perhaps they will entice you to check out the website...


Image #1 via domino on FB, Image #2 & #3 via the domino website


  1. Não conhecia essa revista, obrigada por compartilhar!
    Um ótimo final de semana,

    Denise - dojeitode.blogspot.com

  2. Thanks for your visit. I really like your blog, it is always a pleasure to come by here.

    Denise - dojeitode.blogspot.com


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