November 1, 2010

Decorator to the Stars

Meet Hernan Arriaga, Argentinian-born decorator with an impressive roster of clients, and beautiful rooms to back it up with!!

 ...going to the Caribbean soon?
Check out his new home shop, Azul Mar, on the island of Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic!

You will find an amazing collection of antiques and artifacts from all over the world!

This petrified wood stool is from Iran.... If you are "in the area" the store (Avenue Abraham Lincoln No. 1000) is a must see, but if you are only able to visit virtually (like me), please do so here.

Love the pop of color of the flowers, but how about that sculpture to the left.... Very cool!

Notice the Antler chandelier in the foreground, along with the very subtle white on white wallpaper.... typically not two things you would put together in the same room, but it totally works here!!!

Hope you enjoyed this little introduction!
I encourage you to view Hernan Arriaga's website, lots of beautiful interiors to drool over!

Have a wonderful start to your week!!!


All images here. (PS. the music is hilarious :)

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