August 16, 2011

Basket Case!

I was thinking that if you were traveling this summer, perhaps you could pick up some of these fun, ethnic baskets and hang them as wall decor upon your return? The texture and the colors are pretty and soft, and it's a slightly different look than the typical art wall, I feel we have seen that so many times by now...

Look how great a few different plates and bowls look on a colorful wall; common denominator being the circles, colors and patterns.

I imagine the baskets in the first image would also look great in a summerhouse setting, where things are not so precious... I would ad to the "art installation" from time to time, perhaps even change up the color selection... Or one could go completely neutral in color to warm up a white wall!

What do you think? Did I make a case for (or against) baskets :)

Image #1 via The Beautiful Soup, Image #2 via A Creative Mint


  1. I think a basket collection on the wall looks fabulous. I have straw hats on the wall and i love this look. Leahx

  2. I love that first image with the pink &'s right up my alley!


Don't be shy... let me know what you think.
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