April 29, 2012

Lucky me!

Came home from work Friday evening and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something fuchsia sticking out of the lantern by my front door... Closer inspection revealed a tiny branch with two beautiful orchids. My neighbor is an orchid grower and he had left me this tiny little beauty, lucky me!! The leaves are thick and waxy, different from any other orchid I have ever grown.

When thanking him, he quickly stopped over with two more branches of a different kind, and now I have this little arrangement on my tray table. It is such a bright spot on an otherwise rainy and cloudy day.

The kindness of "strangers" goes a long way!!!


Image by NHH for the Northern Light Blog. (if you borrow, kindly link back)


  1. Love lives simple pleasures so much beauty from something so small.


    E & M

  2. Lucky you!
    The orchids are so beautiful and the setting is perfect!


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