August 24, 2012

The French Dog

What can I tell you.... I just could not leave the book in the store :)

It's a funny story; A client asked for a "fancy" Dog Book to give as a gift. I was not the one being asked the question directly, but somehow this book was spotted on a shopping trip. We didn't buy the book at the time, the client never asked again, and then it happened, it came in to my life again... This time my friend offered to buy it for me, I didn't let her.

But you know, it's been in the back of my mind for so long, it had to come home with me. Could you imagine if I had fallen in love with one of those Parisian dogs what would have happened?

According to the book a french proverb goes like this "The best thing about a man is his dog." So when you see a face like this it's hard to argue, no?

Quite frankly, I could post a million of these images, but I suggest you pick up the book by Rachael Hale. She did a phenomenal job capturing all these dogs, from the city to the country, inside and outside, alone or in packs... Just a darling "fancy" dog book!

On my last trip to NYC, not only did I come across The French Dog book, in several stores, but also The French Cat book. Looking forward to getting my paws hands on that as well :)

If you would like to see more images you can check out Rachael McKenna's blog here, and her website is available for you to view here. Makes you happy all these pretty images, right??


All images by Rachael Hale


  1. Thank you for sharing! I really enjoy these pics. Hope to get the book one day to my hands. Yesterday we had sad day. Our friends lovely dog Xara died. She was 12 years old. Welcome to see Xaras picture in my blog.

    1. I am sorry to hear that! I'll head on over to see her :/

  2. omg I have to get these books {both!!] lovely!
    have a fabulous weekend, darling!

    caroline @ patagonia gifts love knot jewelry

    1. yes, yes, yes... these books are totally right for you and your friday posts :)

  3. so love this natasha! i have been following this book too! xo

  4. What a great idea for a book! The images all look beautiful, I'll have to keep my eye out for this one at our bookstore

  5. DARLING. We lived in Paris 10 years ago and the French were always telling me that my dog was too skinny...he's a Boston Terrier not a French Bull Dog (like they thought). It was funny...Rocky loved living in Paris...they let dogs go everywhere :)

    1. That's funny! Thank you for sharing and for checking in :)
      have a wonderful weekend!


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