July 21, 2013

Sunday Flowers

Hi there... Remember me?? 

I know, it's been a loooong while since I have posted on a regular basis! Not that I have not wanted to, there has just not been enough hours in the day (ok, in many days!!!), so something had to give...

If you are still with me, I think that's really great, Thank You, and if you are new to the Northern Light Blog, even better, since you have not had time to miss my input :)

Sunday Flowers used to be one of my favorite weekly posts, and while I have not posted to the blog, I have certainly been busy on Pinterest, this is my Loving Flowers board, feel free to follow! I encourage you to check out the other boards as well, on this board called Northern Light Design, I share a little of my work from time to time, so you can see that I am actually doing "something" :)

... yesterday, I was the lucky recipient of a surprise delivery of fresh flowers... Hot pink Hydrangeas to be exact, sent to me from a Happy Client, and you just can't beat the feeling of a job well done!

Hope to be posting a lot more going forward, so Thank You again for hanging in there with me!!


PS. Check out the floral delivery here...

Image via Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. Klart att vi är kvar. Alltid lika inspirerande att kika in. Anita


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