October 16, 2013

Pretty Table Top Inspiration

I just received my daily Domaine Home Inspirational Newsletter, and while there are days I just don't have the time to click through, today was different...

These pretty images were from Lindsay Lohan & Kathryn Irelands project, featured briefly on The Million Dollar Decorators, where KI was decorating LL's home, but prior to us seeing the reveal, LL ended up in a car accident... and we never got to see the finished project. Well, check out this link, and you can see what was created. I remember from the few episodes, that I really liked LL's home! The light & the vibe, but the interiors were awful ... LOL! 

Meanwhile, these table top images were what stood out to me, love the eclectic feel, the colors and the casual vibe of outdoor entertaining! 


Images via Domaine Home

1 comment:

  1. Natasha, que mesa mais deliciosa e linda!

    Denise - dojeitode.blogspot.com


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