June 29, 2011

Snow in a box...

... or a box of Snow? That's the question!

Just absolutely had to share with all of you! This is Snow (you may have seen him here), and he is a rescue cat!
I know, can you believe that??

Well... he is the most laid back, cuddly cat you can imagine, LOVES to cuddle, shreds like there is no tomorrow, and he loves a good box... He's in, he's out, he's sniffing it, he's curled up in it, he just can't help it... how about that face in the bottom image? Wanna play?


All images NHH for Northern Light Blog. If you borrow, please link back!!


  1. That's good. Our white cat was crazy. Definitely had a split personality...apparently white = wild said our vet!!

    Lovely and fluffy!

  2. www.orchidlanedecor.com

    My, he is a handsome boy. And doesn't he just love the camera. Vain much? lol! I'll bet you find ALOT of white fur all around the house.

    Suzy xxx

  3. So sweet. Lucky to have a wonderful owner:)

  4. What a beautiful Maine Coon, lucky you, best cats ever ! White ones are so rare, but oh so pretty.


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