September 8, 2011

Texture Snapshot

Today we went shopping... window shopping that is (read; I didn't buy anything... yet!). I am so excited to see all the new goods in the stores. I am feeling my way, touching everything like a little child, and jumping for joy when I find something really cool!

I picked up a few magazine, Interior Design as well as Fashion magazines, just so I can be fully "prepared" for when I do decide to shop a little, trying to cover all the angles ;)  In the new Mad & Bolig  a few accessories caught my eye, and they were all listed as items from Brandts Indoor.... I had to see more!!

While I am vaguely familiar with where the store is located (as it is close to my sisters house), I am now on a mission to visit in person!!!!!! What do you think?

Wanner come shopping with me?

All images via Brandts Indoor


Click here if you want to receive an email when their web shop opens up,
you KNOW I already signed up :)


  1. Very interesting textures! Maharam textiles came out with a line very similar!

  2. Beeeaaauuuutiful!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing N - spot on, as usual.

    Have a gorgeous weekend!

  3. Hello Natasha

    Beautiful image: this interior is so layered with colour, pattern and texture.
    I have one of those drum-shaped tables, in my attic. Perhaps it is time to re-introduce it in my living room.


  4. Gorgeous Natasha! Love all those great patterns.
    Abbey x

  5. I miss Mad & Bolig! Have to see if I can find it in Antwerp.

    Enjoy your holiday ;-)

  6. Oh yes I love it - that is so me. In my apartment(when I was single) I had 3 b&w BB photos that I bought in Cannes framed in gilded antique frames and they looked really amazing!


Don't be shy... let me know what you think.
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