September 7, 2011

Cozy corner...

While it's technically still very early fall here in Scandinavia, the last two days have been super stormy, rainy and cold (at least for us, who on a daily basis, live in the tropics). BUT really, I am not complaining! Actually, it's been quite nice for a change...

We have been able to relax indoors, camped out by the fireplace and we have read a lot! We started our vacation with good conversation, great coffee and super food! Everything in this neck of the woods is organic, EVERYTHING, and we are loving it!!

While the weather has been a little dark outside, it's been warm and cozy inside!

In the next couple of days we will start exploring; Shopping, sight seeing, more family time, more great food and a little golf for the boys. Not too bad :)

I will check in from time to time... Most likely post about our trip, even bring you a few images from here. Hope you check back in, and if you have any questions about Scandinavia... let me have 'em!

Image #1 Interior Design by Nathan Turner, Image #2 & #3 via Northern Light on Pinterest


  1. Hello Natasha

    Have just found your blog in time to say welcome to Scandinavia.
    Here in Norway the autumn storms and heavy rain have really chased us indoors too.
    I look forward to following your future updates, so, I have signed-up as your newest follower.


  2. Welcome to Northern Light, Anna, a pleasure to have you follow, hope to inspire!

  3. What a fabulous space! I wouldn't mind being stuck indoors. Enjoy the wonderful day, Kellie xx


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