September 4, 2011

Vacation Time!

Finally the day is here!

I am ready for a vacation; Leaving today with Mr. Wonderful, heading to Europe and I can hardly contain myself...

It's been a really difficult summer in this part of the world, for so many reasons out of my control, I am just so happy to be going away, I can't even tell you :) I will be posting from abroad, I am sure, but with less frequency, so please check back in from time to time.

"I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again..."  :)


Image source unknown


  1. Have a good vacation!! September is really the best month in Europe!!

  2. Hi Natacha! If you, by any chance, visit Lisbon. Send me a message I'll be happy to show you arrownd.We have one of the most gorgeous seaside cities in Europe. Have a safe and happy travel. Ana

  3. Natasha, you will have arrived by now so I hope you had a good flight & arrived safely - have a wonderful trip & enjoy that gorgeous September weather!

  4. Hi Ana from Lisbon.. whishing I would have the time to "stop by", what would be better than a guided tour by a local! Thank you so much for the offer!!!!!!


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