June 17, 2012

Sunday Flowers

Just a quick note today, trying to keep up the Sunday Flowers post "schedule" :)
By the way, do you like this little series??

I am so loving how this fresh, green, foliage looks, it just proves that if you don't have flowers in your garden to cut from, or if buying a few stems is not in the budget, that you can still have a beautiful bouquet!! Get out there with the shears, there is still lots to pick from, I am sure!

Here in Florida, I once in a while cut a palm leaf and put it in a tall clear glass vase, I find that it brings great color and "coolness" to my space... I like the vase to be as simple and discreet as possible, similar to the bottle above. Adding a little something to your vignette - i.e. the green glass bottle -  just finishes the layered look, but in my opinion does not subtract, nor distract from "the star".


Image via Northern Light on Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. This is a gorgeous image! Fantastic idea too - great way to freshen up a space on a budget.

    I used to live right next door to you in the Cayman Islands so totally get the palm leaf idea!


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