June 15, 2012

(Friday) Morning Java

So yes, I have been going a little country lately, I know :) I hope you don't mind?

As we "speak" this ironstone pitcher is filled with yellow and orange roses, but they are on their last day, so no picture today, however, this pretty image will have to do as you enjoy your Morning Java.

Again, I am encouraging you to style up your everyday cups and plates, adding fresh flowers and leaving out your fresh fruit, not only for visual, but for easy access :) Wouldn't it be wonderful to start your day in a spot like this? Little bit of melon, an english muffin, beautiful fresh eggs (I'm thinking Martha Stewart would be proud of this bowl of soft hued farm eggs :) ) and the piece de resistance... French Press coffee maker!

- I have a confession to make. For our wedding we were given a French Press coffee maker, and every time I try to use it, the coffee is either too strong or not strong enough... really frustrating!! Do any of you have any tips for me??


Image via Pinterest


  1. oh I fell in love with this image too! and I've added fresh fruit and flowers everywhere at home! so beautiful to see and the best part, the kids are eating fruit! haha have a fabulous weekend, darling!

    caroline @ patagonia gifts and jewelry

  2. Such a stunning vignette Natasha! I'm afraid I can't help with the coffee as believe it or not, I don't drink the stuff! I hope you had a great weekend :)

    Abbey x

  3. Mmm, what a gorgeous spot for brekky, I agree! I also can't give any brewing advice as I seem to like an inhuman amount of caffeine and may end up making you OD on the stuff...!


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